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Who We Are
Our Cause

Boys’ Town is a charity founded by the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel in 1948. Its key services include residential care, fostering service, respite care, youth outreach, adventure therapy and clinical intervention.

Boys’ Town serves both boys and girls, from infants to young adults. It helps children and youth coming from disadvantaged and disengaged families who may have faced hardship due to difficult home situations, financial struggles, abandonment, and abuse. Boys’ Town equips children and youth in need with skills to become socially integrated, responsible and contributing members of society.

Our Strategy

In the beginning, the aim of the institution was to provide residential services, vocational skills training and

education to disadvantaged boys.

Boys’ Town has expanded its scope of services beyond the original aim of its pioneers to include poor and underprivileged youths as well as those who encounter greater difficulties and challenges growing up. Boys’ Town assists those who have behavioural or family-linked challenges as well as those with learning difficulties in our ‘alternative schooling’ programme, centred on a competency-based learning framework. Subsequently, services such as fostering, street outreach and clinical intervention were set up to steer the organisation towards becoming a one-stop children and youth centre.

Our Organisation

Boys’ Town is a member of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) and Caritas Singapore, and a registered charity with the status of Institution of A Public Character (IPCs) with the Charity Council.

The Executive Director, Dr. Roland Yeow, under the advice of the St. Gabriel’s Foundation and the Board of Directors, is responsible for the administration and maintenance of the aims, objectives and traditions of Boys’ Town.

Boys’ Town has been registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee under UEN 201534576H on 14 Sep 2015. With effect from 1 January 2017, all dealings with Boy’s Town will be with this entity. This change in entity will not affect our existing dealings, commitments and obligations with partners and vendors. The aims, purpose and the mission of Boys’ Town remain unchanged. All donations will be entitled to 2.5 times tax deduction (if applicable) as we are an approved Institution of Public Character (IPC).