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Scam Alert

Dear Benefactors, Friends and Partners of Boys’ Town,

It has come to our attention that there have been cases of youths who claim to be volunteers or beneficiaries from Boys’ Town who are selling ice-cream or other products on the streets and door-to-door.

We would like to clarify that Boys’ Town has not endorsed such fundraising activity and if you have had any encounters with them, please do take down their particulars and inform us either via email at info@boystown.org.sg or call the Community Partnerships department during office hours at 6690 5420 so that we can inform others and the respective authorities on such activities.

There is currently no fund-raising initiative through the sale of ice-cream or other products by Boys’ Town.

Charitable organisations that are licensed to solicit funds in public would be granted a Collector’s Certificate of Authority from the National Council of Social Service, or a copy of the police permit. If you are approached by any individual or group claiming to be soliciting funds for a charitable purpose, you can seek verification of the fundraiser’s identity and the authenticity of the fundraising project by requesting to examine these documents.

If you are unsure of any fund-raising activity, please do not hesitate to contact us through the above email and phone number or if it is after office hours, please contact this number at 9623 4731 to check out the validity of the fund-raising activity.

Please do continue to support Boys’ Town as we seek your support and assistance in our work and mission to serve the children and youth who have been placed in our care.

We thank you for your support thus far.

Yours gratefully,

Roland Yeow
Executive Director
Boys’ Town




本机构谨此澄清,儿童城并未授权予任何人士或机构代为进行该类筹款活动。各位若遇见这群青少年,敬请致电6690 5420告知儿童城。若有可能也请记下他们的联系方式。您也可以透过电邮通知我们。我们的公众关系部门电邮地址是 info@boystown.org.sg。我们在接获您的通知后,将会对公众人士发布有关青少年的描述以兹防范,并向有关部门呈报他们的不法活动。


任何慈善机构或独立人士在公共场所筹款或募捐,必须先经由国家福利理事会或警察部队发出合法筹款准证才算合法。若有任何个人或团体向您募捐,您可以要求对方出示该准证以作核实。公众如果要查询募款者所持有的是否是合法的筹款准证,只需输入 “FR<空格><国家福利理事会或警察部队发出的准证号码>”,例如 “FR 2011130000” 再把简讯发送到74688,就会获得答复。

若您想查询有关儿童城的筹款活动, 亦可通过以上的电话号码或电邮地址与我们联系。在办公时间后,公众可致电9623 4731, 询问有关详情。


