Merry Christmas!
May the spirit of Christmas fill your heart with love, your life with joy and your home with warmth
This Christmas, may the spirit of togetherness and family keep us warm through the night.
In a country where winter never touches the land, we understand warmth not through the chill of seasons, but through the bonds of family. It is in this spirit that we share with you about three remarkable children who, despite facing the cold reality of abandonment by their natural parents, found warmth and love through the support of Boys’ Town Fostering Services (BTFS) in the safe embrace of their grandparents.
Justin, Olivia and Yohan* were born to natural parents who were in and out of prison. Beyond their absence, these siblings were also physically abused and received threats of harm constantly. Too young to fend for themselves, they struggled to endure this daily reality of life.
Thankfully, the siblings were never truly without hope and help. During their time of great need, BTFS social workers stepped in to assist them, offering vital support and parental guidance to their grandparents, who stepped up to take over care giving. Initially at a loss on how to manage the siblings due to their advanced age and lack of resources, Justin, Olivia and Yohan’s grandparents eventually managed to overcome these difficulties with the help of BTFS social workers. Over the course of 1.5 years, our social workers provided unwavering support and became a lifeline for the family in need.
Today, the children experience a newfound sense of self-sufficiency, and their daily lives have stabilized. The siblings are now interacting positively among themselves and with their peers.
Like a fireplace in a cold winter night, BTFS and Justin, Olivia and Yohan’s grandparents stepped in to provide the care, protection, and nurturing these young children desperately needed.Not every child is fortunate enough to find comfort and warmth in the arms of family. This Christmas, join us in sharing the warmth of the season with the children and youth we serve. Your gift of love contributes to building a safe haven for them.
*Not their real names