Blessed Is the Season, to Share the Love to Those Who Need It Most
This festive season is a celebration that entails family time, Christmas carols and Christmas goodies. However, not many children are so fortunate.
While growing up, Julian* shuttled between multiple caregivers due to his parents’ divorce when he was very young. Due to inconsistent parenting and lacking a stable attachment figure, Julian experienced frequent emotional outbursts.
As a result of his exposure to family violence, physical and emotional abuse, Julian was placed under a few foster families before he was admitted to Boys’ Town.
Here, Boys’ Town provided a stable and safe environment for Julian to receive support that was much needed. Julian gradually built rapport with his counsellor, and they were able to process his past traumatic events together. With close guidance and support from the youth workers and social workers, Julian has grown into an independent, resilient and determined individual.
For youths like Julian, all they want is to experience joy and laughter with their loved ones.