Take a look at some of the achievements Boys' Town has received over the years.
Charity Transparency Awards, 2022 - 2024
Boys’ Town is honoured to have received the Charity Transparency Award for the 3rd year in a row! As a charity, we are committed to transparency, accountability and good stewardship of our resources, to gain the trust of our donors, volunteers and clients. Brother Dominic Yeo Koh, a member of our board and supervisor of schools, was pleased to receive the award from Ms Theresa Goh, Chairperson of Charity Council.
We thank our Board of Directors and staff who came together to provide their unwavering commitments, support and efforts to grow Boys’ Town.
Singapore HEALTH Award, 2022 & 2024
Boys’ Town has been awarded the Health Promotion Board’s Singapore Health Award: Organisational Champion (Excellence)!
This highlights our commitment to promoting workplace health across key areas: Positioning, Programme Planning, Comprehensiveness, and Evaluation.
The award was presented on 22 November 2024 at Star Vista, and the event was graced by Dr. Janil Puthucheary, Senior Minister of State for the Ministry of Digital Development and Information & Ministry of Health.
A heartfelt thank you to our amazing staff for their dedication and contributions toward this achievement! Together, we’ve created a healthier, happier workplace for all.
15th Singapore HR Awards (Talent Acquisition - Silver Standard), 2021
Boys' Town received the Talent Acquisition - Silver Standard Award at the 15th Singapore HR Awards.
This category recognizes organisations’ initiatives in concurrently sourcing for talents through identifying, attracting, assessing and selecting the right candidates that fit the role at the right time and cost. This is done by using relevant workforce planning data with proper sourcing approaches and digital tools to reach out to a diverse candidate pool.
CSA Cyber Essentials Mark
We are pleased to announce that we have achieved the CSA Cyber Essentials Mark in 2024. The certification is valid for 2 years and represents our commitment to maintaining good cyber hygiene measures. We continuously strive to implement best practices to ensure the safety of all data that we handle.